Bible Doctrines To Live By
BDTLB began in 1983 by Evangelist Lee Homoki and his wife, Darlene. Over
the years the ministry took on different roles to reach souls for Christ and establish them in the Bible, but continued to publish Christian materials. Some of the avenues have been Crossroads Crusades, Vacation Bible School, Family Camp, Cowboy Camp, and Bible Conferences to name a few. Joel McGarvey took over as Executive Director of BDTLB in 2008. The ministries involve a lot of time on the road and away from family, but it has been worth it.
“What a blessing it is to see the face light up of one who has just heard the Gospel for the first time and said yes to Christ.”

Buist Community Assistance Center
Buist Community Assistance Center offers a choice food pantry. They serve on average 125 families each week in Byron Township. They also partner with 30 ministries in West
Michigan area by sharing excess donated products. They also have clothing for all ages which is available to BCAC clients.

Byron Community Ministries
The mission of BCM is to connect those in need in the greater Byron Center area to Jesus Christ through the ministries of His church.

Grace Adventures
Grace Youth Camp was established in Mears in 1946 as a ministry of the Grace Gospel Fellowship. In October 2004, Grace Youth Camp and Retreat Center changed its name to Grace Adven- tures to reflect the expanded ministries, particularly its Christian Leadership Training program. In May 2016,
Grace Adventures extended its ministry with the Dunes Harbor Family Camp. Dunes Harbor features 168 sites, including 3 group camping sites. Dunes Harbor will allow Grace Adventures to interact with and impact more families than was previously possible through the other programs.

Grace Publications
Grace Publications has its roots in the earliest days of the Grace Gospel Fellowship. The founders knew there was a need for literature that would lay out their distinct theological position. That need was fulfilled through the World Wide Grace Testimony (now Grace Ministries International). GP operated as part of the mission until it separated and became its own entity. GP has always existed with the purpose of following the Apostle Paul’s admonition in Ephesians 3:9 to endeavor to make known to all what is the fellowship of the mystery. That mission is being carried out today through the writings of J.C. O’Hair, Charles Baker, Dr. Harry Bultema, Vernon Schutz, Dale DeWitt, and others. Grace Publications also has a club program for boys and girls called Coached By Christ. It is a fun-filled program that reflects our theology. Grace Publications operates on a faith basis and is dependent upon the monthly financial support of God’s people. It is a pleasure to hear of one who has come to see the Word of God rightly divided and desire to grow in true grace.

Grace Christian University
Pastor Charles Baker was the founder of the Milwaukee Bible Institute in 1939. By 1961, the college relocated
to Grand Rapids, MI and changed its name to Grace Bible College. In 2018 the college again changed its name to Grace Christian University.
Ken Kemper, as the President, continues to lead, give vision and direction for the college. He engages partners to work together to finance the vision and ministry. Grace has a need to recruit and retain students who desire to be equipped to serve the Lord. Classes in Bible, Theology and Christian Service prepare the next generation to impact their world for Jesus Christ. Grace has developed an adult and online education program to reach further in equipping servants of God to minister effectively.

In 2008, Cheri Honderd recognized a community injustice: elementary school children were at risk of going hungry over the weekends. Knowing this, she established Hand2Hand within a local school and provided food for 19 students. Today, our program continues to thrive throughout West Michigan—and beyond.

New Creations Prison Ministries
New Creations was founded by Chaplain Gene Goulooze in 1995. NCM had the opportunity to share the Word with young men 14-20 years of age who were being oriented and processed for incarceration in one of the 45 Michigan prison facilities. This ministry now is carried on at Egeler prison in Jackson where 22,000 men each year are processed. NCM has been approved to begin this ministry at the Women’s Prison at Huron Valley in Ypsilanti, MI. Since 1995 over 30,000 inmates have been visited one-on-one. NCM began a Bridge Builders ministry in 1999 which is a 12-step Biblically-based Christ-centered 26-week group counseling ministry. Since Bridge Builders began there have been 700 plus inmates who have completed the 26-week journey called, “The Way Home.” NCM has 3,000 inmates who are doing Bible correspondence courses being graded by volunteer Bible Partners.

Transport For Christ
TFC started in Canada by Rev. Keys in 1951. This ministry has
spread to the United States, Russia, and Africa. Their chapels are the trailers of semi-trucks. The purpose of these Mobile Chapels is to: win truck drivers to Jesus Christ, teach them to grow in their faith, establish and maintain a faithful Christian witness, and encourage Christians everywhere to be involved in ministry. Stop in and visit the chapel. Volunteers are needed to staff the chapel 24/7. Church services are held and Christian Literature is available.