In an effort to make sure more of your giving goes toward ministry and less to the payment processor we have changed our giving platform to Planning Center Giving. Now when you click the Give button, your payments will be processed through Planning Center Giving. Unique to this platform is that ACH transactions and recurring ACH transaction don’t incur an additional percentage fee. Also, many have been asking for the option to underwrite the cost of the translation fee. Planning Center allows for this as well.
Thank you for taking the time to give through a new platform. Many have set up recurring transactions through PushPay. You can click the link HERE to stop those recurring transactions as you set up recurring transaction in the new Planning Center Giving Platform.

God’s story is an unfolding story of His great generosity toward us. The world we live in, the creation we enjoy, the talents he’s given to us, the relationships we share, the salvation that we are offered, the very breath we breathe…. they are all a gift from him.

Our story—according to the One who created us—is to pursue God’s design for our lives; to vividly reflect the image of the God who created us.  As he is generous, we are also called to strive to be generous. In every aspect of life. Regardless of circumstance.

All that God has given to us, he has called us to manage on his behalf. The stuff of life and the money that we have—however little or much— does not belong to us. In God’s infinite wisdom he has entrusted it to our care.

Rush Creek Bible Church strives to encourage generosity in all facets of life, including our finances. The offerings that we take during the service, the opportunities that we offer people to give, indeed, help pay for the people and the programs of the church. Our primary concern, however, is to encourage each of us to excel in the grace of giving.


“But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in the grace of giving”

—The Apostle Paul


If you would like to give of the finances God has entrusted to you—either a one time gift or a regularly scheduled gift or offering—you can do so online by clicking the button on the right.

Your generous gifts are being maximized!
(Be sure to read about changes we have made)