This challenge is about relationships generally and marriage relationships specifically. The 4 Week Small Groups will have a focus of men helping men to be better husbands and women helping women to be better wives. Again, the focus is the marriage relationship, but the principles learned will aid everyone in all of their relationships. Those who participate will be watching videos at home and then gather into small groups (men with men and women with women) for discussion and encouragement in this process of developing our character and attitudes in such a way as to impact positively on all of our relationships.
4 Week Small Group Study:
The 4 week Small Group studies will take place during the month of February, starting on February 5. Each person will sign up for his or her preferred evening to meet in addition to highlighting other nights that they could meet. Small groups will be gender-specific (men with men and women with women), a husband and wife could sign up for the same evening, or different evenings.
The evenings that can be signed up for are:
Sundays – February 5, 12, 19, 26
Mondays – February 6, 13, 20, 27
Tuesdays – February 7, 14, 21, 28
Wednesdays – February 8, 15, 22, Mar 1
Thursdays – February 9, 16, 23, Mar 2
Anyone can attend! We are encouraging both married and unmarried men and women to participate.
The focus is the marriage relationship, but the principles being taught are about personal character growth and understanding that will have an impact on all of a person’s relationships. Specifically, in the 4 week small groups, we want to include both married and unmarried men and women since our goal is for men to help men be better husbands and for women to help women to be better wives. If someone is unmarried, but might be someday – this will be valuable. Also, someone who has been previously married can share his or her experiences with others. Since these principles will help all relationships (even if taught in the marriage context), then everyone has something to learn and contribute.
The 4 Week Small Group locations and starting times will be decided by each small group. They can meet in homes or in various rooms of the church.