In summary, it was reported that our next fiscal year budget (effective July 2018 through June 2019) will increase by 3.9% for a total of $914,000. This percentage increase is less than prior years and in step with our trend of increased giving over the past several years. More efficient review process and streamlined budgeting within each department were noted as another reason for a lower increase. Yet ministry opportunities and response for growth were encouraged. Ballots to vote on this proposed budget were given at the congregational meeting and can be returned to the office through Sunday, July 2.
Related to Project: Renewal was a much clearer timeline and costs. Final architectural drawings are complete, long lead items ordered, while staff has created an interim plan for weekly and weekend building use. A general building renovation schedule was presented—starting July 23rd, along with the amazing generosity of lead gifts and campaign pledges were items among the update. There was enthusiastic anticipation about more participation once constructional actually began. The extended timeline through mid-December and an increased budget were discussed in some detail as well. Ballots to vote on the increased budget were given at the congregational meeting and can be returned to the office through Sunday, July 2.
You can listen to a record of the congregational meeting here: