We are approaching the 6-month mark of our new governance structure at Rush Creek. So are our expanded leadership teams—Deacons, Trustees, and Elders, along with the staff—having the intended impact for which we hoped? While our staff leadership would answer with a resounding “yes”, admittedly there is a bias to that answer. The long term effects of our significant leadership adjustments remain to be seen, yet some of the steps are worth reporting even now.
For the next four months of the Rush Creek Digest we will focus on each entity of leadership and attempt to summarize what has transpired during this initial season of transition. Today we are going to begin with Trustees.
An Update on Trustee Engagement
Trustees hit the ground running in January. You may recall that a sizable percentage of board discussion revolved around areas that the Trustees now are entrusted to steward. Here are the vitals:
- There are 9 trustees (listed below)
- There are 3 staff that participate with the Trustees
- The treasurer is selected from the
- Trustees according to our constitution—Chuck Stutes has stepped into that role.
- The Trustees along with the Elders are charged with being the fiduciaries of Rush Creek
- Perhaps a misnomer of the Trustees is that their primary focus is on managing the money and stuff of church life. In actuality, a more accurate description of Trustee roles and responsibilities can be described by the task forces within the Trustee structure. These include:
People and Processes—as stewards of the staff, volunteers, and the systems set in motion to ensure authentic relationships, genuine community and reflect Christ in the process.
Risk and Opportunity—as stewards of the facility and the privilege of being an epicenter for hosting our community with the amazing campus with which God has entrusted us
Finances and Future—as stewards of the ordinary —general fund, routine financial processes and even fostering generosity within the congregation, as well as the extraordinary—capital needs, capital campaigns and resourcing for future ministry needs.
These three areas are not only diligently discussed each and every Trustee meeting, but these task forces are active throughout the month. Here are some examples…
Our People and Process team is now wrestling together about some staff changes precipitated by the voids of Terrah Quesada (former Director of Connects) and Patti Wanrooy (our current Director of Worship Arts and Community Life) as they step away from the roles they have filled so amazingly well for over a decade. We are committed to give you updates on that process at our next congregational meeting on June 5th. We are excited about the cohesive team of staff we currently have, and in keeping with our core value of moving staff to the “right seat on the bus” we have made some internal adjustments already that we are eager to share along with the process of pursuing the right staff to complement the team.
Our Risk and Opportunity team is …. busy. When we discuss the risk and opportunity, the verse “to whom much is given, much is required” rings loud and true. This team is excited about the ministry that takes place throughout the week. This shared space—the Rush Creek buildings and campus— is used extensively for ministries that emanate from Rush Creek Bible Church, and for God-honoring partners that we host. Ensuring the safety and the good stewardship of this shared space gets complicated. And it’s worth it. Among many other areas, this team has taken a deep dive into custodial, light maintenance, imminent and long term capital needs, as well as speaking into improving collaborative building usage for common areas of the church—such as the kitchen and the grounds.
You will hear more about the work that emanates from this team ahead of the June 5th family meeting as well—budget and seeds of a capital funding drive specifically. And, in the meantime, mark your calendar for June 8,9, and/or 10 for three indoor work days at the church to address our ongoing light maintenance needs of our well used facility.
Our Finance and Future team worked on the budget that needed to be prepared ahead of each June meeting. You will also see this budget in advance of our June 5th meeting if you have not seen it already. Additionally, this team wrestles with vetting, assessing, counting the cost, and prioritizing capital needs. They are also a significant engine behind extraordinary funding needs and hands-on participation in addressing our capital replacement and campus development for future ministry efforts.
You may be seeing a couple themes in this brief update. First, our Trustees are eagerly and ambitiously taking on the tasks set before them (and this update only scratches the surface). Second, you will want to attend our Family Meeting on June 5th for updates on these important areas of church life.
One last reminder as you digest this information. These areas addressed by Trustees are also being navigated in concert with the Elders and the missional direction set forth by that leadership team. We are off to a good start of communication flow.
Ami Walker (chair / finances and future)
Randy Velting (vice chair / finances and future)
Chuck Stutes (treasurer / people and process)
Bryan Walker (assistant treasurer / finances and future)
Catherine McManus (secretary / people and process)
Teri Stutes (assistant secretary / people and process)
Mike DeVries (risk and opportunity)
Tim Patterson (risk and opportunity)
Nate Johnson (risk and opportunity)
Mike Smith (staff)
Terrah Quesada (staff)
Brett Elder (staff)