Is Rush Creek Part of a Denomination?

We are not part of a denomination. We are, however, affiliated with the Grace Gospel Fellowship an association of churches and organizations committed to a Biblical dispensational theology and dedicated to understanding and extending the fulness of the grace of God.

Do you have more than one service?

We have one service on Sunday morning from 10 – 11:15 AM.

What can I expect during a worship service?

On any given Sunday morning you will be worshipping with 500 to 700 individuals. We value families and inter generational worship so you will experience various styles of music; modern worship and hymns. During the 1 hour and 15 minute service you will be challenged with a 35 or 40 minute message. We also value local and overseas outreach efforts so you may be introduced to some of the ministry that Rush Creek is involved with worldwide.

What will my kids do during the service?

We are multi-generational church and welcome children into the service; the quiet ones and the energetic ones. But we, of course, have a safe and nurturing nursery for babies and toddlers during the service. We also have foundational Bible teaching during the entire service for first through fourth grade. Fifth and sixth graders join us for roughly the first half hour of the worship service and then are invited to join their peers in an energetic and Biblically rooted worship and learning time.

Do you make any accommodations for those with special needs?

Families of those with special needs are most welcome. We celebrate that each individual is uniquely created in the image of God and, as a result, each individual has unique needs. Allergic to gluten or food allergy? Let our staff know and we will work with you to ensure a safe environment including a gluten free communion option. Mental, physical, or neurological challenges? We have a team of volunteers ready to help ensure your entire family can worship and participate at Rush Creek. Hearing impaired? We have devices for the hearing impaired during our worship services, and individuals who are willing and ready to communicate via sign language. Please call us, or let any of our staff or greeters know how we can best serve you and your family.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us!