We believe that…
Every person is uniquely created by God
-with inherent value and dignity.

We are each designed to reflect the image of Jesus Christ
—with each of us needing to accept his gracious and generous gift of salvation
We are created for relationships
—with each other and with the God who created each of us.

We learn, live, and grow in healthy community
—each of us has something to offer to the communities in which God has placed us.
Our Vision
We strive to be people who authentically care about others in the places that we work and serve. We strive to be a genuine community and to be genuine in the communities where God has placed us.
What We Believe
We believe that…
Every person is uniquely created by God
—with inherent value and dignity.
We are created for relationships
—with each other and with the God who created each of us.
Why This Church
If God should lead you to direct involvement here at Rush Creek, it is our desire to serve you and ultimately serve God with you in a way that is life-changing in the present and for all eternity.
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.