Times and Locations
Rush Creek Bible Church is located on the southeast corner of 76th St. and Byron Center Ave. in Byron Center, MI. You can find us 2.5 miles south of M-6 (exit 5) and 2.5 miles west of US-131 (exit 75).
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Sunday Morning Schedule
Adult and Youth Services:
Morning Worship Service – 10:00-11:10
2nd Hour Classes (Sunday School) – 11:30-12:15
Nursery and Pre-School:
Morning Worship – 10:00-11:10*
2nd Hour (Sunday School) – 11:30-12:15*
KIDMO! (Grades 1-4) – 10:30-11:10**
J12 (Grades 5-6) -10;30-11:10**
2nd Hour Classes (Grades 1-6) – 11:30-12:15
*Note – Parents attending a 2nd Hour class may leave their children in their Nursery or Pre-School classroom until after 2nd Hour has finished.
**Note – Children are dismissed during the service.
Sunday Evening Schedule
Fireside Chapel (Evening Service) – 6:00-7:00
~ Located in the Fireside Room
High School:
Flipside – 6:00-8:00
~ Located in the Edge
College and Young Adults:
Elevate – 7:00-9:00
~ Located in the End Zone
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