How does the Ice Age fit into the Bible?
The Biblical Creationist model for the Ice Age requires warm oceans and cool continents. Noah’s worldwide flood would have produced those conditions. A good portion of the water for the Flood came from below the earth’s crust.
In the six hundredth year of Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month – on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
Genesis 7:11
The waters below the crust were warm, thus warming the oceans, and the water coming from the cracks created much volcanic activity on the ocean bottom which also had a warming effect. The single created landmass broke apart during the flood spreading out to be the continents that we know today. Cracks along the ocean floor thousands of miles long with hot magma spewing up raised the ocean temperature to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. After the flood waters receded, there is evidence of massive volcanic activity over much of the continents putting a massive amount of volcanic dust into the atmosphere. This dust reflected much of the sunlight away from the earth’s surface cooling the land.
Hot ocean water evaporated very rapidly forming powerful storms that dropped heavy precipitation on the continents for hundreds of years after the Flood. In the northern and southern latitudes this precipitation was in the form of snow, hundreds of feet deep. With the cold land caused by the volcanic dust, little melted during the summer. So much water evaporated from the oceans during the Ice Age that the water level dropped. That is how people and animals were able to walk across the Bering Straits on dry land from Siberia to Alaska.
As the water evaporated, the oceans cooled and when the volcanic activity ceased and the dust settled, it allowed the sun to warm the continents , with the exception of the Arctic, Greenland and Antarctica. The ice melted back forming the unique rock formations that we see from receding glaciers.
In the Biblical model the Ice Age started approximately at the time of the Babel judgement, say 100 years after the flood (around 2250 BC), and lasted around 250 years.