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Nor is there salvation in any other: for there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved. (ACTS 4:12)


Cheyenne, when we sin—when anyone sins—we are telling God, our Creator, that we don’t want to obey Him anymore. Well, because He is our Creator, because He is holy and good, He must punish us when we sin. The punishment for sin is serious—eternal death and separation from God forever—unless we could offer a perfect sacrifice to God to pay for our sin. But we are not perfect. So, what do we do? Well, God had a plan. And it is a plan that provides a perfect sacrifice for you and me! That sacrifice was the Son of God; Jesus Christ. Jesus never did one single sin.

He never lied, stole anything, or disobeyed His mother. In fact, He is the only person in the whole world who ever lived and did not sin! But He is the one who had to die for our sins. Our sin against God is so bad that it could only be paid for by Jesus Christ (the perfect One) suffering and dying in our place. Because of our sin in Adam, suffering was the consequence and in one man, Jesus, the full consequence was taken on our behalf. Jesus paid the price for our sin in full. Therefore, He suffered so that He could defeat suffering for all eternity for all who will believe.

When we trust Jesus and believe in Him, we can know that our sins are forgiven because Jesus Christ suffered for us and paid sin’s penalty.

Source: https://answersingenesis.org/kids/bible-questions/could-god-forgive-without-christ/
