Where in the Bible does God promise that everything will work out for my good?
The doctor sits you down in his office and explains that your cancer has come back; you rush to the hospital after the police call and inform you that your son has been in a terrible car accident. You love God, go to church, and even teach 3rd grade Sunday School. You know that God is good; that his character is full of mercy and love. But a tragic event has occurred and you don’t understand why. What about God’s promise that everything works out for good?
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
Here is the hard part of this verse; “…all things work together for good.” But what does this promise mean? Does it mean that whatever happens in life, everything is going to be fine? It is important to take a close look at this verse in context so that we can understand and apply it correctly.
The first word of this verse is “And”. It is often overlooked but it connects this verse with the verses before it. Paul writes about creation groaning under the weight of sin; about the hope we have in Christ and how the Spirit helps us in our weakness.
Now the verse after Romans 8:28 starts with the word, “For”.
For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers.
Romans 8:29
This verse connects with verse 28. How can the tragic events in this life bring us to the point of being, “ conformed to the likeness of his Son”?
Romans 8:28 brings together the verses before, that sin brings suffering, and the verses after, that we need to be more Christlike. And the, “All things work together for good”? This is for the spiritual good; that God is glorified, that we grow in faith so that we can be a witness for Jesus. Will people see the power and love of Christ in our lives in the time of deep sorrow and anguish?
God is a good God and we know that his plan is good and his time is good. We may not understand it all until heaven, but we need to trust in a good God now.