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[pane title=”How I See Me – October 2 & 4″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (10/2/18)

  1. How would you introduce yourself to someone who has never met you before?
  2. What are 3 skills/hobbies that you would tell them about?
  3. What is one thing that you are really good at?
  4. What is one thing that is difficult for you?
  5. When you look in the mirror, what do you see?
  6. How do you wish you could see yourself?
  7. Check out Psalm 139:13-15. What is this passage saying?


Thursday (10/4/18)

  1. Describe yourself in 5-8 words.
  2. How do you think your friends describe you?
  3. What are some things you have learned by experiences in your life?
  4. If you could only share one piece of advice to the future generations, what would it be?
  5. Who do you want to be someday?
  6. Does who you are today match up with your goals for the future?
  7. Look up Luke 12:5-8. What is this passage saying?


[pane title=”How Others See Me – October 9 & 11″ background_image=””]
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Have a leader or two answer the three discussion questions up front, so that the students are able to see the leaders being vulnerable and genuine. We need to be able to go there if we are expecting the students to go there.

Tuesday (10/9/18)

  1. What do you think people think of you when they meet you for the very first time?
  2. How do you think other people view you after knowing you for a while?
  3. What do you wish other people knew about you?
  4. Do people at school see a different side of you than your family does?

If yes to #4, why is that true?

Where do you feel like you can act most like the real you? Check out 1st Peter 3:3-4. What does this say about being the real you?

Thursday (10/11/18)

  1. How would people at your school describe you in 8-10 words?
  2. How would you like to be seen by those around you?
  3. What are some things you might like to do once you graduate? Does who you are now match up with who you will need to be?
  4. What needs to change so that others can see the real person that you want to be?
  5. What makes it hard to be who you want to be?
  6. What would make it easier to be the real you all of the time?
  7. Read 2 Corinthians 5:17
  8. What does your Facebook/Instagram/Twitter say about you?


[pane title=”Friends – October 16 & 18″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (10/16/18)

  1. How did you choose your friends? Did you choose them or did they choose you?
  2. What makes a good friend? What do you look for in friends?
  3. What are some reasons that friendships end?
  4. Have you been hurt by friends in the past? Or right now?
  5. How do you handle conflict with friends?
  6. What makes a friendship last?

Thursday (10/18/18)

  1. How did you choose your friends? Did you choose them or did they choose you?
  2. Talk through the kind of friends these biblical characters were.
  3. Is it important to be friends like these people in the bible? Or can we have only surface relationships? Why or why not?
  4. How do you want your friends to treat you?
  5. How can you be a better friend tomorrow to your friends?
  6. How can you be a better friend to people who do not have friends?


[pane title=”Tough Questions – October 23 & 25″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (10/23/18)

  1. How do we know there is a God? How do we know there is only one God? How do we know the God of the Bible?
  2. Is Christianity the “Right” religion?
  3. Why are there so many different types of churches?
  4. If there is a God, why does He allow bad things to happen?
  5. What happens when we die?
  6. Does prayer actually work?


Thursday (10/25/18)

  1. How do we know that the Bible is true?
  2. How do I know if I am really a Christian or not?
  3. What happens to those who say they are Christians but do not act like it at all?
  4. Why are there some really messed up people in this world?
  5. Why is God waiting so long to come back to earth?
  6. Do miracles still happen today?


[pane title=”Mistakes – October 30 & November 1″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (11/27/18)

  1. Do you think dating relationships are important in middle school?
  2. What do you think is the perfect age to start dating?
  3. What makes a relationship “good”?
  4. Tell me about a dating/marriage relationship that you admire?
  5. What do you admire about that relationship?
  6. Colossians 3:18­19. How does that relationship match up with this verse?
  7. What are some real, serious #relationshipgoals that you have for your relationships now or in the future?

Thursday (11/29/18)

  1. What did you think about the speaker/video today? What did you like, what didn’t you like?
  2. What do movies, T.V., musicians, and actors tell/show us dating is about?
  3. What do ​you​ think the purpose of dating is?
  4. What is the difference between a crush and dating?
  5. What are some things that dating students should do? ​
  6. What are some things that dating students should not do? ​
  7. What does Luke 6:31 have to do with dating?



[pane title=”Anger – November 6 & 8″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (11/6/18)

  1. Do you get angry often, or only every once and a while?
  2. Why is it so easy to become angry in this country?
  3. What are two things that make you angry?
  4. What does culture (tv, movies, music ect.) tell us about being angry?
  5. Is it ever okay to be angry? If yes, When?
  6. What does God have to say about being angry? Check out Matthew 21:12-13.

Thursday (11/8/18)

  1. Do you get angry often, or only every once and a while?
  2. Are there different kinds of anger?
  3. If you, or someone you know has a lot of anger, does that impact their daily life?
  4. What is the “antidote” (opposite of) anger? Is it easy or hard to forgive?
  5. Check out John 2:13-22 What is this saying?
  6. is there a difference between Jesus’ anger and our anger?


[pane title=”Respect – November 13″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (11/13/18)

  1. What is respect? Give a definition
  2. Do you think everyone deserves respect? Why or why not?
  3. Why is respect important?
  4. How do you show respect others and why do you show them respect?
  5. What do you think Jesus says about respect and how we should treat people?
  6. Read this: “You have heard it said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! (Matthew 5:43­48)”



[pane title=”Relationships – November 27 & 29″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (11/27/18)

  1. Do you think dating relationships are important in middle school?
  2. What do you think is the perfect age to start dating?
  3. What makes a relationship “good”?
  4. Tell me about a dating/marriage relationship that you admire?
  5. What do you admire about that relationship?
  6. Colossians 3:18­19. How does that relationship match up with this verse?
  7. What are some real, serious #relationshipgoals that you have for your relationships now or in the future?

Thursday (11/29/18)

  1. What did you think about the speaker/video today? What did you like, what didn’t you like?
  2. What do movies, T.V., musicians, and actors tell/show us dating is about?
  3. What do ​you​ think the purpose of dating is?
  4. What is the difference between a crush and dating?
  5. What are some things that dating students should do? ​
  6. What are some things that dating students should not do? ​
  7. What does Luke 6:31 have to do with dating?



[pane title=”Family – December 4 & 6″ background_image=””]
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Tuesday (12/4/18)

  1. What is your favorite thing about your family?
  2. Read Genesis 4:2­8 (Talk about how this family relationship went south) Cain had the opportunity to respond correctly and obey God, rather he chose to kill his brother out of anger.
  3. Do you feel like you can be yourself, 100% no filter, around your family?
  4. In your mind what is the purpose of family?
  5. How do you handle issues with your family? Do you raise your voice and argue? Do you retaliate in a negative way?
  6. How can you choose to respond correctly and in respect to your family?

Thursday (12/6/18)

  1. What is your favorite thing about your family?
  2. Read Genesis 4:2­8 (Talk about how this family relationship went south) Cain had the opportunity to respond correctly and obey God, rather he chose to kill his brother out of anger.
  3. Do you know any families that you would want your family to be like? Who? What makes those families good?
  4. What does it mean to be in God’s family? Does anything actually change if we are in God’s family?
  5. Read 2 Corinthians 6:18
  6. How does God care for His children?
  7. Are you a child of God? Do you want to become one?



[pane title=”Totally Christmas! – December 11 & 13″ background_image=””]
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 Tuesday (12/11/18)

  1. What are some Christmas traditions you have?
  2. What are some of your favorite things about Christmas?
  3. Are there any challenging parts about Christmas? (This may bring up family challenges)
  4. What does your household believe the reason for Christmas is?
  5. What do you, personally, believe the reason for Christmas is?
  6. How are you going to remember the real meaning of Christmas this year? What is one realthing that you could do/say/be that would help you remember the real reason for Christmas?
  7. Spend some time writing out lists of things that you are thankful to God for. Spend some time in prayer for us.
  8. Isaiah 9:6-7. What does this make you think of?

 Thursday (12/13/18)

  1. What did you think about the video today? Agree/disagree?
  2. Why do you think that American’s, in general, celebrate Christmas?
  3. Why can Christmas get so stressful in our country?
  4. What is the point of Christmas gifts? Are they “Good” or “Bad” or neither? Is it alright to enjoy getting gifts?
  5. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’ ” Acts 20:35. What does it mean “More blessed to give than receive”?
  6. What are some things that you could give this Christmas season (time, money, items, food…)
  7. Why is it important that we keep Jesus at the front of our minds at Christmas time?

