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Solomon said,2020 Vision

“When people can’t see what God is up to, they stumble all over themselves.”

Proverbs 29:18, The Message

In the last congregational meeting we were challenged with a dream to see what God is up to at Rush Creek. A dream of becoming an even greater launching pad investing in our own workplaces, neighborhoods, and families the only only gospel that brings light into darkness. One that intently focuses on reflecting Jesus Christ in all we do. We didn’t know then just how those dreams would become a vision of reality. Today, we do. We’re seeking a clearer picture of the great potential to teach, exemplify and extend God’s truth to all generations. We can see what God is up to!

Great things are beginning to happen with the Phase One project of the Worship Center, Foyer, and Youth Wing renovations. As you may recall, the board voted to take the next steps by aligning ourselves with Elevate Studios. Over the last two months Elevate has held eleven meetings, averaging over two hours each, with various ministries of Rush Creek, including the board. These meetings were evaluating the perceived needs of tradition and desired change investing into our mission of impacting individuals and communities for Christ. We are excited to say those meetings are completed and now the next phase begins. Over the next several months, a selected group from the board, staff and membership will be working with Elevate Studios to present ideas for consideration at our congregational meeting on Sunday morning, June 5th.

All this is in fulfillment of Rush Creek’s commitment to expanding ministry into our community and families. Will Mancini said,

“The church of God does not have a mission, the mission of God has a church.”

We believe God has Rush Creek right where He wants us to be; ready to move and invest.

The Apostle Paul said,

“All glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the church and in Jesus Christ through all generations forever and ever.”

Ephesians 3:20-21

‘Infinitely more than we might ask or think’ is about to take the next step in Rush Creek’s growing impact of the gospel in our own lives and community. Will you join us in prayer for these next steps? Pray for God’s direction, leading and preparation of congregational hearts for a fire of ministry being lit for the sake of the gospel.

‘Greater things have yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this City…” but before the City it must begin in our hearts.

‘Buckle-Up’-this is a front seat ride you don’t want to miss!

Praying together with you,

Pastor John
