10/17/2024 – Get involved in the fall groups and events!

Rush News – Digital Newsletter

It’s almost here! Join us Sunday, October 20 at 5PM—as we give God the glory for the completion of our “Welcome Home!” campaign! We will enjoy dinner at 5PM with a program immediately following. Space is limited but still available – please RSVP to [email protected] or click here.

Read the full digital newsletter here.

What is happening at Rush Creek?

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Cameron Townley - September 8, 2024

Pray Then Like This: Week 1

Pastor Cameron Townley Pray Then Like This Week 1

From Series: "Pray Then Like This"

More From "Pray Then Like This"

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Cameron Townley - September 8, 2024

Pray Then Like This: Week 1

Pastor Cameron Townley Pray Then Like This Week 1

From Series: "Pray Then Like This"

More From "Pray Then Like This"

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Morning Worship Service

Authentic Relationships | Genuine Community | Reflecting Christ

We have the vision to be part of a flourishing community, contributing where we can to bring life and health to the greater Byron Center area and beyond.

We believe that…Every person is uniquely created by God—with inherent value and dignity. We are created for relationships—with each other and with the God who created each of us.

If God should lead you to direct involvement here at Rush Creek, it is our desire to serve you and ultimately serve God with you in a way that is life-changing in the present and for all eternity.

Rush Creek Bible Church is located on the southeast corner of 76th St. and Byron Center Ave. in Byron Center, MI.  You can find us 2.5 miles south of M-6 (exit 5) and 2.5 miles west of US-131 (exit 75).


Middle School

Impact 56

Impact56 is our 5th and 6th-grade youth ministry at Rush Creek. Students are encouraged to develop an understanding of the Word of God and make Christ a part of their life. An emphasis is made on living a Christ-centered life in today’s world. During the school year, Impact56 meets on Tuesdays from 6-8 PM. Before Impact56, our after-school program Drop Zone takes place from 3:30-5: 30 PM. Impact56 starts with dinner from 5:30–6 PM. During Impact56, students will play games, receive a Bible lesson and participate in a small group discussion time.

Impact56 is unique in that, though it is a program geared toward 5th and 6th-grade students, it is also a training ground for middle and high school student leaders. Beginning in 8th-grade students who’ve graduated from our Servant Leadership Training course are welcome to apply for servant leadership opportunities within Impact56. Each student servant leader is matched up with an adult mentor who regularly invests in these young leaders as they learn to serve, plan, teach and lead within Impact56.

Junior High


Rush78 is our Middle School youth ministry at Rush Creek. Our group verse is “For to me living means living for Christ…”Philippians 1:21. We endeavor to empower and equip students to live for Christ and love God’s Word.  During the year Rush78 meets on Tuesdays from 6-8 PM. During the school year our after-school program, Drop Zone, takes place from 3:30-5: 30 PM and Rush begins right after Drop Zone with dinner from 5:30–6 PM. From 6-8 PM students will play games, eat a snack, receive a Bible lesson and participate in a small group discussion time.

Rush78 is unique in that, though it is a program geared toward 7th and 8th-grade students, it is also a training ground for our 11th and 12th-grade students leaders. Beginning in 8th grade our students can begin our Servant Leadership Training course and apply for servant leadership opportunities within our church. Each student leader is matched up with an adult mentor who regularly invests in these young leaders as they learn to serve, plan, teach and lead within Rush.

High School


Flipside is our High School youth ministry at Rush Creek. Our group verse is “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2. We endeavor to empower and equip students to live for Christ and love God’s Word.

During the year Flipside meets on Sunday evenings from 5-7PM. Students will play games, eat a snack, receive a Bible lesson and participate in a small group discussion time. During the year, Flipside has various special events and activities, including retreats.

Flipside is unique in that, it is run by both adult leaders and upperclassmen. Our 11th and 12th graders get hands-on experience, leading games, planning events and facilitating small group discussion. Our upperclassmen also have opportunities to serve in Impact56, Rush and Drop Zone. If you have any questions about Flipside, please contact Camron Befus, our Student Pastor.

After School Program

Drop Zone

5th & 6th = Tuesdays from 3:15-5:30PM

Drop Zone is a free after-school program Rush Creek offers for 5th and 6th Graders. We seek to provide a safe, fun, educational environment where positive relationships can be built. We offer many varied indoor and outdoor activities throughout the year including field games, messy science projects, life skill learning opportunities, and field trips.

7th & 8th grade students are kicking off at The Hangar on October 3rd!

5th & 6th grade students are continuing at Drop Zone starting September 19th until The Hangar is ready to launch programming for 5th & 6th! (Tentative Hangar start date for 5th & 6th: December 4th, 2023.)

Young Adults


Meets weekly on Saturday evenings. Follow our flier for exact time and event information.

Explore is a Rush Creek community designed especially for young adults in college and/or pursuing careers. Venturing together we serve others, learn from God’s Word, and grow together! We’re passionate about exploring and discovering God’s unique calling on our new life in Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”—the things God has prepared for those who love him—

Text or email Pastor Camron for more information:616-633-6326 / [email protected].

Mission Statement

Empowering students to ask questions about faith, pursue a personal relationship with Jesus, serve God, and invest in life-changing relationships.

Vision Statement

Empowering a community of students who passionately love Jesus Christ, selflessly serve one another, and intentionally reach out.



Middle School

Impact 56

Impact56 is our 5th and 6th-grade youth ministry at Rush Creek. Students are encouraged to develop an understanding of the Word of God and make Christ a part of their life. An emphasis is made on living a Christ-centered life in today’s world. During the school year, Impact56 meets on Tuesdays from 6-7: 30 PM. Before Impact56, our after-school program Drop Zone takes place from 3:30-5: 30 PM. Impact56 starts with dinner from 5:30–6PM. During Impact56, students will play games, receive a Bible lesson and participate in a small group discussion time. During the year, Impact56 has various special events and activities, including a Fall Unity Retreat.

Impact56 is unique in that, though it is a program geared toward 5th and 6th-grade students, it is also a training ground for middle and high school student leaders. Beginning in 8th-grade students who’ve graduated from our Servant Leadership Training course are welcome to apply for servant leadership opportunities within Impact56. Each student servant leader is matched up with an adult mentor who regularly invests in these young leaders as they learn to serve, plan, teach and lead within Impact56.

Junior High

Rush 78

Rush is our Middle School youth ministry at Rush Creek. Our group verse is “For to me living means living for Christ…”Philippians 1:21. We endeavor to empower and equip students to live for Christ and love God’s Word.  During the year RUSH meets on Mondays from 6-8PM. During the school year our after-school program, Drop Zone, takes place from 3:30-5: 30 PM and Rush begins right after Drop Zone with dinner from 5:30–6PM. From 6-8pm students will play games, eat a snack, receive a Bible lesson and participate in a small group discussion time. During the year, The Rush has various special events and activities, including a Fall Unity Retreat.

The Rush is unique in that, though it is a program geared toward 7th and 8th-grade students, it is also a training ground for our 11th and 12th-grade students leaders. Beginning in 8th grade our students can begin our Servant Leadership Training course and apply for servant leadership opportunities within our church. Each student leader is matched up with an adult mentor who regularly invests in these young leaders as they learn to serve, plan, teach and lead within Rush.

High School


Flipside is our High School youth ministry at Rush Creek. Our group verse is “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. 2 Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” Romans 12:1-2. We endeavor to empower and equip students to live for Christ and love God’s Word.

During the year Flipside meets on Sunday evenings from 5-7PM. Students will play games, eat a snack, receive a Bible lesson and participate in a small group discussion time. During the year, Flipside has various special events and activities, including retreats.

Flipside is unique in that, it is run by both adult leaders and upperclassmen. Our 11th and 12th graders get hands-on experience, leading games, planning events and facilitating small group discussion. Our upperclassmen also have opportunities to serve in Impact56, Rush and Drop Zone. If you have any questions about Flipside, please contact Camron Befus, our Student Pastor.

After School Program

Drop Zone

5th & 6th = Tuesdays from 3:00-5:30PM

7th & 8th = Mondays from 3:00-5:30PM

Since 2010 Drop Zone has sought to come alongside students and their families by providing a safe, fun, educational environment where positive relationships can be built. We offer many varied indoor and outdoor activities throughout the year ranging from open gym to crafts, carpet ball to PS4/Xbox/Wii games, dodgeball to age-specific field trips.

Drop Zone is a free after-school program at Rush Creek Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 3:00-5:30. 5th and 6th graders are welcome on Tuesdays and 7th and 8th graders on Mondays.

Young Adults


Meets weekly on Saturday evenings. Follow our flier for exact time and event information.

Explore is a Rush Creek community designed especially for young adults in college and/or pursuing careers. Venturing together we serve others, learn from God’s Word, and grow together! We’re passionate about exploring and discovering God’s unique calling on our new life in Christ.

1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written: “What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived”—the things God has prepared for those who love him—

Text or email Pastor Camron for more information:616-633-6326 / [email protected].

JAM (Jesus and Me)


JAM (Jesus and Me) is a fun, Fruit of the Spirit-filled program targeting kids from the ages of 2 years old to 12th grade. What better way to display the Fruit of the Spirit than studying God’s Word! Each week will be filled with game time, large group time, small group time, and on occasion, theme nights and other special activities. Our desire is to help the kids develop a solid relationship with Jesus and discover who He is through a curriculum designed to walk alongside parents in the area of family discipleship.

Let's Talk About God

“Let’s Talk About God” is a program that encourages parents to start a conversation about God. Christian parents want their kids to know God and to understand Biblical truth, but for many parents God is not a typical topic to talk about.  “Let’s Talk About God” starts a conversation about God between parents and their children.

Here is how it works: Parents will receive an email once a week with a question and answer; one question will be geared toward younger children, and the other toward teens. Parents can decide which question they want to talk about and add their own insights and knowledge on the subject!

We hope this program will help to grow your love of God, knowledge of Biblical truth and family unity.

Sign up here





Awana is a fully integrated evangelism and discipleship program for Kindergarteners all the way through 6th grade. Awana reaches kids where they’re at and walks alongside them in their faith journey through Bible memorization, teaching them about the Bible and fun games and activities.

We encourage families to stay during Awana. We have men and women bible studies happening for our adults. Please check our ADULTS page for more information on adult bible studies.

Let's Talk About God

“Let’s Talk About God” is a program that encourages parents to start a conversation about God. Christian parents want their kids to know God and to understand Biblical truth, but for many parents God is not a typical topic to talk about.  “Let’s Talk About God” starts a conversation about God between parents and their children.

Here is how it works: Parents will receive an email once a week with a question and answer; one question will be geared toward younger children, and the other toward teens. Parents can decide which question they want to talk about and add their own insights and knowledge on the subject!

We hope this program will help to grow your love of God, knowledge of Biblical truth and family unity.

Sign up here

Our Welcome Home! Campaign seeks to update and upgrade our building and grounds so that we can continue to pursue ministry with excellence as we make room for our expanding church family!