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What to expect when we begin worshiping together…
- Masks are strongly encouraged but not required in the Worship Center.
- During the 9am service – The Creekside room will be reserved for those desiring to take extra precautions. In that room, masks are required.
- Some may choose to wear masks, and masks will be available.
- We encourage you to greet each other—social distancing style.
- We encourage you to use hand sanitizer (located throughout) upon entering the building or after touching surfaces.
During the Service
Worship Center—every other pew will be vacant and we will encourage spacing between families.
Creekside Room—we have provided ample space between rows and we will encourage spacing between families
We will wipe down doors, door handles, surfaces, counters, and bathrooms before, between, and after services. At the same time, we will disinfect the fabric of pews and chairs.
We will be…
- Singing together
- Encouraging you to use your own Bible or digital Bible app
- Projecting Scripture on the screen
- Providing boxes for offering at the 3 main entrances
- Creatively dismissing the congregation to avoid close proximity congestion
- Providing bulletins and other printed information
We won’t be…
- Passing the offering plate
- Shaking hands with our neighbor during the service
- Using hymnals
- Using drinking fountains
- We will encourage fellowship outdoors, and under the canopies of the main entrances during inclement weather.
- We will provide coffee outdoors
- We will not serve food
- We will not be having second-hour classes
- We will welcome RushCommunities (such as ABF & Life Groups) to use our larger rooms after the second service (at 1 person per 30 s.f. capacity)
For the safety of our kids, we will
- Temperature check volunteers as they arrive
- Have a volunteer check-in children on the iPads
- Sanitize rooms and toys before, between, and after services
- Be using 8-ounce water bottles instead of the drinking fountain
- Clean our hands before we eat pre-packaged snacks
- Make sure to keep classroom numbers low