Mike Smith—Technology Director
Technology upgrades are always a hard decision to make in a church. It can always come with a lot of opinions and sometimes more want than a need. As we have set out on this journey of Renewal here at Rush Creek we have put everything we do and why we do it under a microscope. We asked a lot of questions about the things we do during our Sunday gathering and what our auditorium is like during the week. Things like having an engaging worship service, the ability to accommodate special musical groups during a service and the need to effectively communicate what God is doing to people. We also looked at the week where it is now and what the possibilities could be. In the end, we decided on the speakers we have currently installed into the worship center.
These new speakers bring a new life into our room. They add a professional level of clarity to any spoken word and the ability to clearly and comfortably present any music group that is on the platform. These speakers are used in many churches who value the use of music in their service. Newer speakers are designed purposefully to send its signal to the areas that are desired, creating a better experience for those who are listening and who might also be in an acoustically troubled room. It is an upgrade that will last us many years and allow great flexibility as we grow as a community.