While the construction dust isn’t flying quite yet, we are beginning to create our own dust as we empty out and cull the contents of the areas of the building that we will be renovating. You may have noticed the trailer behind the church that will serve as some of our temporary storage space. In a couple of weeks, we will be providing some opportunities for everyone in the congregation to roll up their sleeves and help prepare our area for renovation. Many hands make light work as we prepare to have our building ready for improvement by mid-July.
The lead gifts and pledged gifts thus far have been extremely encouraging. Our prayer and commitment are to encourage 100% financial involvement in the Project: Renewal campaign. This pursuit is a massive step of faith, and we are committed to encouraging everyone to pray, listen and then be obedient to the Lord’s leading.
What does financial participation look like for you? How is God asking you to excel in the grace of giving as we read about in 2 Corinthians 8:7?
Volunteer work crews are needed June 27 & 28 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM to move Children Ministry items. Sign-ups start next week.