At Rush Creek we are passionate about growing together in our knowledge and application of God’s Word! We offer some great opportunities to find and deepen friendships while studying the Bible together:

Community Groups meet on a weekly basis throughout the year and include opportunities such as Joint Heirs, The Branches, as well as Mens & Ladies Bible Studies.

Growth Groups are short term elective classes taught by our Pastors or guest speakers and cover a wide range of topics for 3 to 6 weeks at a time.

Sunday AM

JOINT HEIRS (an Adult Bible Fellowship)

TIME: 11:30 a.m.
DATES: Meets year-round
LOCATION: Creekside Room
TOPIC: Sermon Discussion and Life Application



Our mission is to be a friendly, loving, caring environment to the church family that meets at Rush Creek Bible Church.
“The Branches” is a class that ranges in ages from young adult to older adult and it uses the same Adult Bible Fellowship foundation as the Joint Heirs ABF class. Class is held in the Courtyard Room on Sundays at 11:30am. Dr. Ken Kemper is the primary teacher with other teachers taking a turn as we all dig into God’s word together.

TIME: 11:30 a.m.
DATES: Meets year-round
LOCATION: Courtyard Room
TOPIC: Various



Freedom in Christ! What does it mean? Can we as Gentile Christians who are “not under the Law” behave any way we like? Can we as Gentiles live like pagans and still be right with God? Join this class to learn about the book of Galatians in which Paul deals with the first real controversy in the early church: the status of Jews and Gentiles in the present age and the application of the Law of Moses to Gentiles.

TIME: 11:30 a.m.
DATES: Starts September 10
LOCATION: Parkside Room
TOPIC: The Book of Galatians
TEACHER: Dr. Phil Long


Wednesday AM


Join this amazing community of men who meet for breakfast every Wednesday morning. Breakfast gets ordered at 7:45 and William Bunch brings a devotional at 8:00, but for this group of 20+ men it is all about the relationships they have with each other.

TIME: 7:45 a.m.
DATES: Each Wednesday, Year-Round
LOCATION: Byron Family Restaurant
TOPIC: Various
TEACHER: William Bunch

Wednesday PM


If you like serious Bible Study with other men, this class is for you. Every Wednesday Dr. Phil Long brings in depth teaching from books of the Bible with lots of time for questions and discussion.

TIME: 6-7 p.m.
DATES: Wednesdays starting August 16
LOCATION: Parkside Room
TEACHER: Dr. Phil Long


“Rooted” is a community group for young couples and parents of JAM kids who are looking to get plugged-in and truly make Rush Creek their spiritual family! With an emphasis on relationships, prayer, Bible study, and growing together in Christ, our aim is that we would truly be rooted together in a community of believers that is firmly planted in and on the Gospel!

TIME: 6-7:45 p.m.
DATES: Starts September 18
LOCATION: Creekside Room