Our all-knowing God has given us the privilege of stewarding his resources.
Surely God could have chosen a way to carry out his design for life—a way that didn’t rely on our less-than-consistent commitment or buy-in to stewarding things God’s way?! In prior weeks we have explored the purposes of testing and building unquestionable character, undying commitment, and unwavering conformity through our stewardship. This week we explore the purpose of unquenchable compassion.
Seven Purposes for Stewardship #4
God desires his stewards to demonstrate Unquenchable Compassion. Our effective stewardship prompts us toward placing others’ needs before our own. Throughout Scripture we read of God’s desire for us to be generous givers; to live life open-handedly. The apostle Paul tells us in 2 Corinthians 8:7 that God further desires us to “excel in the grace of giving.” We were designed to live in relationship, in community with others. And God desires that we share his heart for those he places in our path.